Thursday, October 17, 2013

SD 42 Online Forms and Payment Portal

Hi Families,

If I have heard back from you that you did not get a payment portal form (or if I have heard nothing), I have requested a form for you.  I will send it home as soon as it arrives (likely tomorrow).

The office tells me that at this time we only have four students registered for online payments.  This is the site you would have signed up at:

It is very important that you sign up as soon as you are able, as we are no longer going to be handle our permission forms via paper.  Permission forms and payments will be made online.

Nancy Rupert

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's Already October?!?

Hi Div. 7 Families,

I hang my head in shame as I post my first 2013-2014 school year post to the blog...  and it's only because I've been sick this week that I am actually getting to it!  The school year has been filled to the brim, and that's a good thing!

We have had a great start to the year.  We're a 4/5 blend this year, and our grade 5s have been terrific leaders, showing the Grade 4s the way.  It's not always an easy adjustment to make, going from primary expectations in Gr. 3 to intermediate work in Gr. 4.  It's really common for students to take a little time to adjust.  I continue to remind the kids which way the holes go on the looseleaf paper, for example!  :-)

But our group of 28 students has really gelled.  They have shown themselves to be a kind, considerate group.  We do class meetings, and the very first thing we do is compliments each time--this group, and I've told them so, ROCKS the compliments.  That's on you as parents, because it takes time to teach our children how to be kind to each other.

We had a great Terry Fox event in September, which has kickstarted our fundraising for the Terry Fox Foundation.  If you are interested in learning about the incentives this year, please check out the Alouette web site:

In Language Arts, we have started learning about the Reading Powers (, and will soon start our Writer's Workshop.  Mrs. Kollen is working on spelling with Words Their Way.  Part of the the LA curriculum includes students reading daily, because we know that students need lots of reading practice in order to become more fluent readers.  Please sign your child's reading log before Friday of each week.

In Math, I've done Place Value with both grades, and we are now starting Fractions.  If you are able to support this learning at home (such as by baking with your child and pointing out how important fractions are when doubling a recipe, or by finding them online games to play that practice fractions), that would be great.

I'll sign off with a reminder that now that the weather is getting cooler and wetter, we need to make sure the kids are remembering to bring outerwear and boots to school.  If your child is one who tends to play hard outside (and you know who you are!), sending a change of clothes to keep at school might not be a bad idea, either.  :-)
