Friday, February 15, 2013


We had a really wonderful trip Thursday, Feb. 14th to Victoria and the Parliament buildings.  The students represented Alouette well with their excellent behaviour and thoughtful questions during the tour.  We had lots of parent help, which made my job much less stressful--thanks, parents!

We left the school at 6:30 a.m., driving by bus to Tsawassen ferry terminal.  We caught the 9 am ferry, then boarded another school bus in Swartz Bay.  We arrived at the BC Leglislature shortly after 11 am.

Our first event was a scavenger hunt on the front lawn of the Legislature:



 Then, the students posed for some group pictures:

Harbour and Empress Hotel are behind

At the entrance to the Legislature

 They even had an official portrait taken!

 Then, our tour guide kindly began our tour early, and showed us the Chamber first:

We then toured the second floor of the rotunda:




This photo is taken from the second floor, but looking down at the first floor.  This is a carving by former Lieutenant Governor, Steven Point:

This photo looks out the doors of the seldom-used entrance to the Legislature:

Because the first floor was being occupied by a reception commemorating the introduction of treaty legislation of the Tla'amin First Nation (read about it here:, we got an off-the-beaten-path tour, including the jail that now appears to be a storage closet in the basement:

 We saw the Hansard Broadcasting Services.  You can access their broadcasts here:

Then we saw the Legislative Library, which is normally off-limits to the public.  Lucky us!

Unfortunately no cameras or cell phones are allowed in the public gallery, so I wasn't able to photograph Question Period, but here is a press photo:

Tla'amin Chief Clint Williams addresses the House

The students got to meet their MLA, Michael Sather.  He offered to show us the NDP Caucus, giving us even more behind-the-scenes action:

The ferry ride home was a highlight for many, with some delicious ferry food and camaraderie:

All in all, a very good day!


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